Online fraud of lakhs with bengaluru-woman putting drugs, CBI and private pictures on dark web

Online fraud of lakhs with bengaluru-woman putting drugs, CBI and private pictures on dark web

Online Fraud: A woman in Bengaluru has allegedly become a victim of cyber scammers. Cyber ​​criminals not only cheated this woman of lakhs of rupees but also forced her to take off her clothes on webcam and then started blackmailing her.

Nowadays, many news like cheating of money, blackmailing by stealing private data keep coming every day through online, internet, WhatsApp etc. This time a similar cyber crime has happened with a woman living in Bengaluru. Let us tell you about this incident.

fake cbi fake call

According to a report in Times of India, the victim woman received a call on April 3, in which the cyber criminals who spoke claimed that they were talking to the Mumbai Police Department. The caller informed the woman that 140 grams of narcotic drugs had arrived from Thailand in her name through FedEx. After that the person gave the phone to another associate, who introduced himself as a senior official of the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI). Both of them told the woman that a case of human trafficking along with money laundering has been registered against her.

Both the callers told the woman not to tell anything about this scam to anyone, because the names of many big people are also involved in it. After that they asked the victim woman from Bengaluru to turn on the webcam and share the screen. Cyber ​​criminals talked to the woman for the next 36 hours and during this time not only cheated her of lakhs of rupees but also forced her to take off her clothes in the name of narcotics test on webcam.

Cheated more than Rs 14 lakh

After that, the cyber criminals told the woman that they had to check the previous bank transactions done by her and on this pretext, by taking the bank details, the criminals withdrew Rs 10.7 lakh from the woman’s account. Even during the call, the woman fell into his trap and transferred Rs 4 lakh through her credit card.

After the transaction of so much money, the criminals again demanded Rs 10 lakh and threatened that if the woman did not send them that much money, they would put her nude pictures and clips on the dark web. After that the woman disconnected the call and went to the police.

Times of India has reported in its report that the police have registered a case under the Information Technology Act, extortion and fraud. Apart from this, FedEx has alerted the customers and asked them to immediately inform the police if anyone asks for personal information in the name of FedEx.

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